Thursday, April 29, 2010

North Carolina

So I'm riding in the passenger seat of a rental car my nephew and I picked up at the Raleigh Airport in North Carolina. I've got my laptop connected to my phone which then connects to the internet allowing me to write this amazing blog. You gotta love technology.

I'm in such a good mood, and although I love being here with my nephew, I can't help thinking that it's North Carolina that has me feeling so good. I love this place. The trees are so dense, that you have to search for the homes imbedded in them. The aroma is absolutely killing me, and all I want to do is spend the rest of this absolutely gorgeous day taking it in. But I'm here to help my nephew get his house ready to sell, so it's time to put on my handyman hat and go to work.


Anonymous said...

Work? I didn't know computer geeks knew how to raise a hammer. I suppose you could just sit back and casually throw in your two cents- analyzing his efforts.

Wow, does that sound familiar to anyone but me? :)

Seriously, have a safe trip. Take in that humid air. This New England girl aches for the trees. Enjoy them. Write them.

Unknown said...

Enjoy the weather. I'm jealous. I have a couple of inches of snow on the ground at my house this morning. Will somebody please just shoot me for living here!

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Lucky bum. (=

Write Chick said...

Great description. You made me wish I could go there, and I've never been before . Stupid Utah snow!

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